It is a humorous book of absurdity for teenagers and non-children, which depicts an ordinary day of Hippo – waking up in bed, having breakfast, carrying garbage, riding a trolleybus, going to the store, sitting in the office, possibly pooping in the toilet. Each illustration is accompanied by a short sentence describing the situation, which always ends with an “I wanna shit” statement in large text.
The desire to shit reflects the existential state of the character – he feels depressed by the daily routine, fears, depression, therefore, even in the slightest activity, he suffers from the urge to defecate. Namely, because of the contact with the fears, the animal Hippopotamus was chosen because there was quite popular fairytale about the hippopotamus who was afraid to get vaccinated.
Also there’s a fun biological aspect aboutt the animal itself – the hippos mark their territory with a wide beam of splashing feces – so the desire to shit acquires meaning not only as a reaction to fear, but also as liberation, self-expression when there’s no one restricting one’s nature. However, the character would hardly achieve this, and at the end of the story he would remain exactly the same as at the beginning – full of desire to shit anyways. The book, as it began, would end so absurdly and without any changes.